Second sessions at the Balladeer trials

The Balladeer project gathers momentum in July to carry out the second session of tests on the participating children

During these last weeks of July, we have been receiving participants to carry out the second session of the #Balladeer project experiment.

Emotiv EEG helmet used in the Balladeer project

The #tests of the experiment carried out for the Balladeer project are divided into 2 sessions for each of the participating children. Thus, in the first session, participants undergo the #CogniFit test, a series of cognitive experiences carried out digitally and supervised by the psychologists who are part of the project.

On the other hand, in the second session, three different tests are carried out: the #robots video game, the #slackline video game and the #Nesplora test. In the #robots video game, carried out on a desk, the children have to select the maximum number of correct figures as indicated from among different figures arranged in a grid. In the slackline game, the second of the desk-based tests, the aim is to stay on a balancing rope while collecting flags. Finally, the #Oculus Meta Quest 2 #VirtualReality glasses are used for the Nesplora test, which is also supervised by psychologists.

In both the CogniFit test and the robot video game, participants are fitted with the #EEG #Emotiv helmet so that their brain activity can be analysed afterwards. In the case of slackline, participants wear the #CGX #Quick 32 EEG helmet, which allows the same type of data to be processed as in the Emotiv helmet, but using a dry system. In addition, in this last test, we also have the #EmbracePlus #activity bracelet, which allows us to obtain, store and transmit physiological parameters wirelessly, such as #heart rate and frequency variability, #blood oxygenation, #respiratory #frequency, #skin temperature or #electrodermal activity.

The Balladeer project (PROMETEO/2021/088) is funded, within the Prometeo programme, by the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Generalitat Valenciana.