Juan C. Trujillo participates in the round table Blockchain and Land Registry: Tokenization of real estate assets and their protection. Bienvenido Oliver Chair of the University of Alicante.

Title: Blockchain: a revolution on the move.

Speaker: Juan Carlos Trujillo Mondéjar – Professor of the Department of Computer Languages and Systems at the University of Alicante. Director of the Lucentia Research Group.

Round Table: Blockchain and Land Registry: tokenisation of real estate assets and their protection. Bienvenido Oliver Chair of the University of Alicante.

About the conference:

Our Director Juan C. Trujillo participated on 14th October 2022 in the Conference on the Latest Incidents of New Technologies in Real Estate Law, of the Bienvenido Oliver Chair of the University of Alicante. Juan C. Trujillo shared a table with two Property Registrars, experts on the subject, Ms. Jimena Campuzano Gómez-Acebo and Mr. Jesús Sieira Gil.

Firstly, Juan C. Trujillo’s participation was to present the main fundamentals of #blockchain technology from an introductory and basic point of view and to explain how this technology can be applied in a wide variety of disciplines and contexts. He also introduced some projects from other countries where #blockchain is being applied in aspects related to Property Registration, #tokenisation of assets or #traceability of goods and real estate. He clarified that both in this context and in others, #blockchain technology is never intended to and will never replace the figure of a Land Registrar or Notary, who according to our legal system have very clear and irreplaceable functions.

Juan C. Trujillo is of the opinion that #blockchain technology can be successfully applied to streamline processes, facilitate the veracity of certain information, as well as reduce execution times and, in short, help to reduce bureaucracy wherever possible. He also emphasised that this conference showed, once again, that in today’s times, close collaboration is necessary between disciplines as a priori different as #law and #informationtechnology, among others. A clear example of this need was the paper presented by Ms. Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell, Member of the Expert Group – European Commission Responsibility and technologies (AI, Robotics, IoT).