Balladeer continues to make progress in number of tests

  • Post published:26 de October de 2023
  • Post category:Balladeer

The Balladeer project continues to make progress thanks to the 67 children who have visited us in recent months Lucentia's #Balladeer project, which aims to diagnose and treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (#ADHD), has reached a significant milestone by successfully completing 67 tests with children between 6 and 18 years old through its dedicated #laboratory. It was during the last week that the 60 tests were passed. In fact, it is expected that by the end of this month 70 #children and #adolescents will have passed through our laboratory located at the University Institute for Research in Computer Science (IUII) of the University of Alicante. Balladeer focuses on laying the foundations for future interventions in person-centred #intelligent #extendedreality #intelligent #environments. Its main focus lies in the study of brain activity and its evolution, using a platform that combines #BigData and #ArtificialIntelligence (AI) analysis. During the tests, participating children are subjected to a series of activities designed in the format of #videogames to assess their cognitive and emotional performance. Using…

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Elena Navarro meets with the Lucentia team

  • Post published:28 de July de 2023
  • Post category:Balladeer

The UCLM professor met with the Lucentia team to establish the lines of action for the coming months within the Balladeer project On the 16th of November, we had the visit of Elena María Navarro Martínez from Lucentia Research Group. We received Navarro to agree on different points to be carried out within the research being developed in the #Balladeer project. Elena Navarro is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). In addition, she is currently an active member of the LOUISE Research Group at the UCLM. Her current research interests are requirements engineering, software architecture, model-driven development and human-computer interaction. Specifically, he has more than 20 years of experience as a teacher in software engineering, with special focus on the application of .NET technologies for the development of cloud applications. Elena Navarro on her visit to the University of Alicante Navarro is currently collaborating with Lucentia Research Group as a researcher on the #Balladeer project. It is for this reason that the researcher travelled…

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