e-COM 4 CHILDREN is a transnational project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, which aims to develop ICT open educational resources on e-commerce of safe children’s products, such as toys, children’s furniture or childcare articles. This training will be complementary to other formal training on digital marketing, with the main target group being staff from:
• SMEs in the children’s products sector
• consumer organisations, and
• public authorities responsible for consumer affairs.
The ultimate aim of the project is to improve the key competences of the target groups’ staff and other stakeholders so that they can benefit from the European Single Market.
The project, led by AIJU, is being carried out in collaboration with the Università Politecnica Delle Marche (Italy), the Association for Toy and Play from the Czech Republic, the University of Alicante and the Associação para a Promoção da Segurança Infantil from Portugal.
Main results
The project will produce three intellectual outputs:
• ADAPTATIVE MOOC on e-commerce of safe children’s products. This is an open and adaptive online course in MOOC (massive open online course) format, where the training itinerary will be adjusted to the characteristics of individual students and their learning pace.
• INTERACTIVE COMIC to learn how to buy children’s products online, aimed at the staff of consumer associations for dissemination among end consumers.
• TRAINING MATERIALS e-COM 4 CHILDREN, a compendium of video lessons, texts, pictures, activities, quiz questions, etc. combining theory and practice of the key aspects of e-commerce of children’s products.
All products will be available in English, Spanish, Italian, Czech and Portuguese. The project results will be available to the public in digital format and free of charge via the Internet on the project website http://www.ecom4children.eu and on the VALOR platform for the dissemination of Erasm project results.
Launch of the project with the kick-off meeting in Ibi, Alicante (Spain).
Last 1st March, the kick-off meeting took place at AIJU’s premises with the presence of all the project partners. After the meeting, a workshop was held on 2 March at the University of Alicante, where the partners began the process of creating content and course structure using the Lean Design e-Learning methodology, based on the definition of the archetypes/potential users of the adaptive MOOC e-COM 4 CHILDREN and their needs.

Significant progress made during the second project meeting in Lisbon
The second meeting of the project took place on May 8th in Lisbon (Portugal), APSI headquarters. During the meeting the partners discussed, among others, the dissemination strategy of the project and the programme of the joint training activity that will take place at the Università delle Marque during the first week of July. This training is addressed to the project staff involved in the development of the training materials.
The meeting also allowed to lay the foundations for the partners to develop the competences that the trainees will acquire through the course. Applying the Lean Design e-Learning methodology, the adaptive MOOC is structured in three pathways specific to the needs of three archetypes: industry, authorities and consumers.
For more information, please contact the e-COM 4 CHILDREN team at