Presentation of e-COM 4 CHILDREN training materials in Prague

The first multiplier event of the project was held on 18 June, where the e-COM 4 CHILDREN training materials were presented and the challenges of e-commerce of children’s products faced by businesses, consumer organisations and consumer authorities were presented. The Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy) highlighted the importance of building consumer trust when it comes to online sales, and how product safety can be a decisive factor for purchase.

The Association for the Promotion of Child Safety (APSI) from Portugal explained the key aspects of consumer rights in online commerce and AIJU provided an overview of the European legal framework applicable to children’s products from a product safety perspective. The University of Alicante, with its presentation, highlighted the potential of MOOCs as flexible, open and free training tools for companies.

We would also like to thank the Czech Toy Association (SHH) for organising the event and for their contribution to the event with the needs of the industry in the field of e-commerce of safe children’s products. This event is part of a series of three events to be held throughout the project in Prague, Lisbon and Ibi. The next event will take place in Lisbon on 14 November 2019.

All the information can be found in the following document.

Fifth meeting of the e-COM 4 CHILDREN project in Prague

After the morning’s multiplier event, the fifth project meeting was held, where the partners discussed, among other things, the tips that the comic book will contain for online shopping of children’s products.

The comic specifically designed for consumers will be launched on 14 November in Lisbon with the support of the Portuguese Directorate General for Consumer Affairs. During the meeting, the consortium members discussed possible lines of exploitation of the project results, beyond EU funding. The importance of child product safety in the online market was highlighted and how this aspect will be increasingly included in future policies and legislation.

Erasmus Days Webinar on the safety of children’s products sold online

Dentro de la iniciativa Erasmus days, AIJU como coordinador del proyecto impartirá un webinar sobre la seguridad de productos infantiles que se venden online el próximo 10 de Octubre 2019 a las 11.00 h (CEST).

– Conocer el marco legal europeo para los productos infantiles (juguetes, artículos de puericultura, mobiliario infantil) que se venden online desde la perspectiva de la seguridad de producto.
– Presentar la formación sobre comercio electrónico de productos infantiles seguros que está siendo desarrollada dentro del proyecto europeo e-COM 4 CHILDREN

– Personal de la industria de los productos infantiles (técnicos de calidad, gestores de contenidos de webs y redes sociales).
– Técnicos de asociaciones de consumidores, oficinas del consumidor y consumidores en general interesados en la compra online de productos infantiles.
– Personal de las autoridades competentes en materia de consumo Webinar gratuito. Preínscribete ya en

Within the Erasmus days initiative, AIJU as project coordinator will give a webinar on the safety of children’s products sold online on 10 October 2019 at 11.00 h (CEST).

– To learn about the European legal framework for children’s products (toys, childcare articles, children’s furniture) sold online from a product safety perspective.
– To present the training on e-commerce of safe children’s products that is being developed within the European e-COM 4 CHILDREN project.

– Staff from the children’s products industry (quality technicians, web content managers and social networks).
– Technicians of consumer associations, consumer offices and consumers in general interested in the online purchase of children’s products.
– Staff of the competent authorities in the field of consumer affairs Free webinar. Pre-register now at

Other e-COM 4 CHILDREN news at the International Consumer Summit

APSI, the Portuguese Association for the Promotion of Child Safety, on behalf of the e-COM4CHILDREN team, was present at the International Consumer Summit that took place in Estoril (Portugal) in April 2019. The e-COM 4 CHILDREN team was in the area of the Portuguese Consumer Directorate General presenting the main results of the project.

e-COM 4 CHILDREN at European Congress on Injury Prevention

The e-COM 4 CHILDREN project will be presented on 3 October 2019 in Luxembourg at the European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion organised by Eurosafe and the Luxembourg Institute of Health. The conference covers a wide range of topics related to injury prevention and safety promotion, such as product safety, home and leisure safety or safety at work. This conference is a unique opportunity to disseminate the results achieved so far in the project among product safety researchers and professionals working in public and private institutions responsible for health and safety, health promotion, consumer protection and education, as well as professionals from private companies, working in product design and manufacturing.